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Client: Yarra Trams

Yarra Trams brought in RB Consulting initially to complete an assessment of identified opportunities to bridge a significant funding gap. Yarra Trams engaged RB Consulting in an effort to remain in control of the scope and budget for the work.

Whilst RB Consulting was brought in to complete a specific project, her work was of the highest quality and the output was very impressive. As a result RB Consulting has to date completed three major projects for Yarra Trams. Each project has focused on a different part of Yarra Trams’ operations; reviewing the current processes and strategies, identifying and prioritizing change initiatives and developing robust and actionable roadmaps.

Overall, we saw real value in the work completed by RB Consulting. The work has required both excellent analytical skills and an ability to convert these skills into strategic thinking. Her recommendations were always ambitious but achievable. These recommendations have obliged Yarra Trams to move from our comfort zone and face up to our real issues. We are now in implementation mode, with our first project nearing completion, bringing in an impressive return on investment so far.

We would not hesitate to engage RB Consulting again. All levels of the organization, from the Board to middle management, have been truly impressed by the quality and completeness of her work.

Dennis Griffiths
Director of Operations
Yarra Trams
Other Testimonials  

Client: Nacap
Project: Acquisition Assessment

"...responsiveness combined with precise thinking and
easy to understand logic flow..."

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