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Dr. Rochelle Boland
Principal Consultant
Rochelle has more than 10 years of management consulting experience at Pacific Strategy Partners and Deloitte and now works as an independent consultant based in Melbourne Australia.

Rochelle has experience working with clients in a range of industries including mining and resources, public transport, health and pharmaceutical, telecommunications, financial services, education and not for profit.
  Rochelle’s project work has included operational reviews, developing board level papers, pre-acquisition due diligence, industry and competitor analysis, and benchmarking.

Rochelle has a Bachelor of Science with Honours and a PhD from Monash University.


What our clients have to say...
" research and analysis to challenge case study assumptions was impressive and extremely valuable "
" all levels of the organization have been truly impressed by the quality and completeness of her work "
" work was of the highest quality and the output was very impressive "
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